(August 9 2008 – TMRZoo.Com) The online entertainment service best-known for great multiplayer games like “Halo 3” is creating a forum fueled by a different type of passion: the 2008 U.S. elections.
Starting Tuesday, September 9, Xbox LIVE members will receive an early opportunity to cast their vote – via a Gamerpic download – with poll results posted next week on Xbox.com. Gamerpics are visual representations of gamers’ personalities, available for download through Xbox LIVE. “Voters” will have the option of downloading a Gamerpic for McCain, Obama, Other or Undecided. When the download is complete, they will be automatically entered for a chance to win a Gibson™ guitar for their part in rocking the vote. With more than 12 million active LIVE members worldwide, this unofficial poll could serve as a sneak peek into young Americans’ perspective leading into November’s elections.
The breakthrough partnership with Rock the Vote allows Xbox LIVE members to quickly and easily register to vote, which removes one of the biggest barriers, especially for first-time voters: research. With only two U.S. states providing online voter registration (Arizona and Washington, respectively), Xbox LIVE is going where young voters are, online – and simplifying the registration process. In less than five mouse clicks, a young American can have their voter registration information complete, along with information where to send via U.S. mail. This fall, Rock the Vote aims to help register two million young voters.