Why I Am, the second single from Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King, has hit the airwaves and is being played on radio stations everywhere.
Today on MySpace, the video for Why I Am makes its debut, shot from Dave Matthews Band’s live performance on June 26th at 02 Academy – Brixton in London, England
You should also sign up to see the ultimate Dave Mathews Band show. DMB will be the entertainment on this year’s Bud Light Party Cruise 2009. The band will be playing on the private island of Coco Cay. I can’t think of a better way of experiencing this band. Sitting in the sand or dancing on the beach. Go to Bud Light’s website and sign up. You won’t be sorry you did budlightportparadise.com
You can also read about our great time on the cruise last year if you are not yet convinced this will be the party of the century. TMR’s coverage of the Bud Light party Cruise 2008