Candies Said No To The Camel Toe And Airbrushed Photos Of Britney Spears

Britney Spears ThumbThere is been quite a buzz the past few days about Britney Spears airbrushed photos for Candies. We at TMR don’t see the big deal about the pictures. Photographers have been touching up pin-up pictures since the invention of the camera and advent of photography.

Typically we would pass on this story altogether. That was until we saw the pictures. News outlets are buzzing about how Britney’s thighs were airbrushed thinner. Brit’s butt was also thinned out and a tattoo was removed. That is all well and good but we found it funny that no one is reporting on the 800 lbs gorilla in the room….or should we say 800 lbs camel. 

They airbrushed out Britney’s cameltoe! Take a look at the pics, it looks like Candies did not approve of Britney’s moose knuckle. We find this to be funny because Britney is the queen of the camel toe.

We have seen Britney Spears shoot us crotch shots for years. There is the famous picture of Paris Hilton closing the legs of a drunk Britney getting out of a car. We have seen hundreds of pictures of Britney stuffed like a sausage in various outfits, what was Candie’s saving us from? You take a look and tell us.

Pictures pop to larger images.