Adultress Michelle “Bombshell” McGee reveals her skewed concepts of racism and anti-Semitism in shocking interviews airing Monday and Tuesday on CTV’s ETALK. Reporter Lainey Lui spoke with the world’s most-hated woman yesterday in Toronto, where McGee was shooting commercials as the new spokeswoman for the pro-adultery website During the interview, she reveals shocking beliefs about her past and her relationship with Sandra Bullock’s soon-to-be ex-husband, Jesse James. The two-part interview airs Monday, May 31 and Tuesday, June 1 at 7 p.m. ET on CTV. Viewers can also watch it online beginning this Tuesday at
Lainey, ETALK’s resident gossip maven, goes head-to-head with a placid McGee over her skewed definition of racism, James’ past abuse, and why McGee believes she did Sandra Bullock a favour. McGee also defends her decision to participate in a campaign for the controversial “dating” website:
On her pattern of racism and posing in a Nazi uniform:
McGee: “I guess one could view it that way. I don’t believe it’s racismat all.”
Lainey: “You don’t believe wearing a Nazi costume indicates racism?”
McGee: “No not racism. Anti-Semitism? Yes. If that was the intention of putting the costume on.”
Lainey: “Anti-Semitism is prejudice against Jews, which is actuallyracism.”
McGee: “Oh okay, well that’s your view on that. I don’t see it that way.”
On Sandra Bullock:
McGee: “In a twisted type of way, I guess Sandra should be thankful that
I did come forward and let her know that her husband did cheat on her.”
On participating in an Ashley Madison campaign:
McGee: “I have two beautiful boys to take care of, I’m a single mom. So
yeah I have profited off of this but it’s also my first priority is to
take care of my kids, to make sure they have a roof over their heads and
Lainey: “So you own the cheating?”
McGee: “I do. Absolutely.”
Lainey: “As a way to support the children?”
McGee: “Yeah. I will do what it takes to support my children. Absolutely.”
Hosted by Ben Mulroney and Tanya Kim, ETALK is the most-watched Canadian entertainment newsmagazine. From the Oscars(R), the Golden Globes(R), and the Emmys(R), to the JUNO Awards and The Giller Prize, ETALK is front-and-centre delivering up-to-the minute news in film, television, music and more. Celebrating both homegrown talent and international stars, ETALK became Canada’s first daily Canadian entertainment newsmagazine when it launched in 2002. ETALK airs weeknights at 7 p.m. ET (check local listings) on CTV and at 6 p.m. ET and 11:30 p.m. ET on Star!