Yet another tremendously long episode features Jonah Falcon discussing with Richard Elliott his adventures at E3, and some of the games that stood out, including Mortal Kombat, Lord of the Rings: War in the North, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Telltale Games’ lineup, Portal 2, XCOM and a ton of MMORPG’s. He also gives his impressions of Kinect, Move and the Nintendo 3DS, as well as the introduction of the Xbox 360 Slim. They also check out more reader mail, giving away a free Rock Band 360 song code.
Listen in on the player below, download it directly here, or subscribe to iTunes!
Jonah Falcon is a blogger for TMRzoo and and covers all gaming consoles and platforms including Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP and computer games designed for Mac OS, Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Jonah provides his readers with reviews, previews and up to date gaming industry news and rumors.