Twilight Breaking Dawn Production Scene Leaked To The Internet (Video)

It seems that Summit Entertainment can’t keep things under wraps on the set of their new picture Twilight Breaking Dawn. Apparently fans of the series have gone to any lengths to get their hands on anything Twilight.

The ability to transfer digital media to a thumb drive or disk is making it difficult for producers to contain leaks. These production leaks are not unique to Twilight Breaking Dawn they seem to be rampant these days on film sets.

What seems to be a production rush from the set of Twilight Breaking Dawn has been leaked to the internet. Thou the quality of the video is not hi def you can clearly see the acting in Breaking Dawn will be the same quality of the Twilight Eclipse and Twilight Full Moon.

The production notes we were able to obtain describe this scene as “Jacob’s reaction to an impending Vampire attack. “ It seems Jacob “Jake” Black played by Taylor Lautner is alerted the Vampires led by Edward Cullen portrayed by Robert Pattinson are preparing an attack on the werewolf clan.

Jacob first reacts with a bit of hesitation but soon springs into action. If this is any indication of what the entire film will be like it seems like the Twilight series has stayed true to form.

Twilight Breaking Dawn is scheduled for a 2011 release and will star Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.