BlizzCon 2010: Diablo III – Demon Hunter Gameplay and Trailer

We have just reported that Blizzard revealed the fifth and final class for Diablo III, the Demon Hunter, and now IGN has posted the official trailer on their YouTube Channel. You can view it below along with some gameplay video from BlizzCon 2010, being held RIGHT NOW in Anaheim California at the Anaheim Convention Center.

Watch the trailer and two game play videos below and let us know what you think in the comments section below.





Jonah Falcon is a blogger for TMRzoo and and covers all gaming consoles and platforms including Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP and computer games designed for Mac OS, Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Jonah provides his readers with reviews, previews and up to date gaming industry news and rumors.

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