Jamie Jungers, Loredana Jolie and Jaimee Grubbs are the Contestants in Howard Stern’s Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant (Pictures)

loredona-mainThe day has finally arrived. After being hyped up in the previous weeks, The Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant is here. The names of the contestants have been under wraps since the contest’s announcement, but now we know which three girls on Tiger’s roster are competing.

The contestants are: Jamie Jungers, Loredana Jolie Ferriolo and Jaimee Grubbs… three hot blondes.

The judges were Noel Biderman, founder and CEO of AshleyMadison.com, the contest’s sponsor, and the rest of the Stern staff… Robin Quivers, Fred Norris and Howard himself. Artie Lange did not make his triumphant return to the show to be a judge, as we had hoped.

Each girl will receive a prize depending on where they finish in the competition. Longtime Stern Show sponsor AshleyMadison.com sponsored the contest and provided all of the prizing. The contest who wins the pageant will receive $100,000 and a black diamond ring courtesy of Stephen Singer Jewelers. The mistress who finishes in second place receives $15,000 and third place gets $10,000.

The contest can only be heard live on the Howard Stern Radio Show on SiriusXM Satellite radio. Howard TV, Howard Stern’s On Demand cable network, will be replaying the video. See HowardTV.com for the airing schedule.

Here are a few previews of the girls. Click the thumbnail to view the full-sized version. The top row is Jamie Jungers, middle row is Loredona Jolie Ferriolo and the last row is Jaimee Grubbs:

We’ll be posting a full gallery of the winner in the upcoming week, so stay tuned to the TMR Zoo. To hold you over, you can check out Destiny Dixon, Miss Howard TV for March 2010.