Despite rumors that Casey Anthony is hiding out in Phoenix AZ we have a strong suspicion she is in Columbus Ohio. Our friends at are reporting that one of their “rock solid snitches” gave them the information about Casey Antony’s whereabouts.
She left Florida as soon as she was released from prison. Casey boarded a private airplane at 1:04 A.M. and arrived at Columbus Ohio at 2:51 A.M.’s snitch tells us that her attorneys put her on a Lear Jet because she could not take a commercial flight due to death threats.
MTO went on to say they would confirm this report by releasing Casey Anthony’s new address today online. They have already broken down her whereabouts to the neighborhood level and it seems Casey Anthony is living in the hood!
The suburb outside of Columbus Ohio where Kasey Anthony is reportedly living is predominantly African American. I would imagine it won’t be too hard to confirm the southern snowflake is there if reports are true. MTO went on to say “this is not rumor – this is 100% FACT!!”. We tend to believe them, MTO has not let us down yet.