Jennifer Lawrence Does a Photo Shoot for Vogue Magazine Italy (PICS)

Hunger Games actress Jennifer Lawrence recently did a photo shoot for Vogue Magazine Italy. In the pictures, Jennifer Lawrence shows the Vogue readers why she was named the Most Desirable Woman of 2012 by Newcomer Lawrence beat out incumbent Mila Kunis for the title. Web sensation Kate Upton and R&B diva Rihanna took 3rd and 4th respectively.

Online celebrity site Mr. Skin lists the actress as having done no nude scenes. Mr. Skin does list an impressive body of work including some underwear and bikini videos.

Jennifer Lawrence has been announced as the host to kick off Saturday Night Live’s 2013 season in January. Jennifer will be joined on the show by hipster roots rockers Lumineers.

If you want to see some more celebrity news and skin, be sure to check out our scandalous celebrity nip slips, hacked photos and wardrobe malfunctions here.