Howard Stern Show Hottest Nude Mother Daughter Contestants

It was another day, another contest featuring naked, hot women on the Howard Stern Show on Tuesday morning. This time, the staff of the SiriusXM radio show were trying to determine who was the hottest mother-daughter combination… oh, and the contestants also had to be nude. The name of this groundbreaking pageant? The Howard Stern Show Hottest Nude Mother Daughter Contest.

Two by the two, the mother/daughter combinations entered the studio wearing only robes. After a brief Q&A period, the girls dropped their robes to the awe and amazement of Howard Stern and his cronies. The discussion continued after the disrobing, then the girls stood aside, remaining nude, and let the next mom-daughter combo have their air time.

First up was Buffy and Lexus, a hot blonde combo. The mother-daughter pair were fine with seeing each other nude, such as in the shower and around the house.

Second was Sarah and Christine, this time two brunettes. Sarah was envious of her daughter’s great boobs. Dad was not cool with them being there. When they drop their robes there was a very audible “Wow” from all the guys.

Since there were only two pairs of contestants, they all stood line-up style for the guys to vote on. In the end, it was Buffie and Lexus (the blondes) that were anointed the hottest mom-daughter combo. The girls were awarded $5,000 from The losing pair received $500.

More (graphic) images will follow but we wanted to get what we had up as soon as possible…

Howard Stern Show Hottest Nude Mother Daughter Contestants Gallery:

The images above are property of Howard Stern and originally on the Stern Show Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Porn Star Julia Ann, a former Show guest appearing with her “Blondage” partner Janine Lindemulder, personally handed the prize over to Buffie and Lexis and remarked about how stunning all the contestants were and what they were doing after the show.

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