In 2009 Jessica Nigri first drew international attention when images of her cosplay ‘Sexy Pikachu’ went viral.
Three years later Nigri again drew international attention when she attended a convention dressed as Juliet Starling from the video game ‘Lollipop Chainsaw’.
While officials at that convention did ask her to leave, after receiving complaints that her costume was too revealing, it didn’t stop multiple pictures of her (as the games main character Juliet Starling) from being posted on the web and going viral.
Her resemblance to the character was so close that if you do an image search for ‘Lollipop Chainsaw’, Nigri’s image (as Starling) will often appear on the first page.
While passionate about her cosplay work, Nigri is equally passionate about gaming. Since 2011 she has been hired by a number of game companies to represent characters for promotion at events and has made appearances in commercials.
She has also been a part of the (video game accessory maker) Mad Catz LT3 professional gaming team.
Some may think that the main reason Nigri draws so much attention is her costumes and stunning looks, (the woman is drop dead gorgeous) but they would be wrong; there is more to Nigri’s cosplay work than just eye candy.
While Nigri maintains a busy schedule of appearances, events, and charity work; it’s her detailed (and accurate) cosplays that earn her praise from fellow cosplayers and fans alike.
You can follow Jessica Nigri on Facebook or Twitter and purchase prints from her online store.
Visit her ‘Un-official website‘ here.
John Goodale is the author of ‘Johnny Gora’ (available through, and a number of articles here on His monthly column ‘Indy Comics Spotlight’ appears here and through his blog Indy Comics Spotlight