Rants, Raves and Random Chatter
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- Bear visits Subway (1 Reply)
- Biff's Funny (2 Replies)
- Man smacks shark to save best friend (8 Replies)
- 5,000 condoms swiped from Mexican condom-mobile (4 Replies)
- Looking for an opinion (9 Replies)
- 3dR3's Chat Box (34 Replies)
- Annual heart attack Fair (18 Replies)
- i would need to stretch for two weeks to be able to do this (7 Replies)
- Lexus L Studio (1 Reply)
- Paul Newman RIP (4 Replies)
- Find your friend (8 Replies)
- Talked to my daughter last night.... (17 Replies)
- Man Sues Doctors For Amputating Penis (4 Replies)
- Man Passes Gas, Charged with Battery on Officer (6 Replies)
- Talk Like a Pirate Day Sept. 19 (6 Replies)
- 36 years and holding (30 Replies)
- Which one of you guys lives in Ann Arbor? (6 Replies)
- New Jersey callers dialing Democrats get sex chat offer instead (3 Replies)
- Brad Pitt donates $100,000 to support gay marriage (4 Replies)
- Family loses battle to save pirate treehouse (4 Replies)