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I can understand how these young d-bags would think it was fun to mess with old people, however despicable, but putting a finger in one of their asses?
Hooch Wrote:I can understand how these young d-bags would think it was fun to mess with old people, however despicable, but putting a finger in one of their asses?

Wow, taking a stand against elderly anal rape. Tony was right there is a lot of talk about anal insertion around here.
Securb Wrote:Wow, taking a stand against elderly anal rape. Tony was right there is a lot of talk about anal insertion around here.

I think he was dead on with that assessment... in every thread on here someone ends up with something in their ass.


Securb Wrote:She's the one that "put her bare butt" in the face of a resident. What a stupid little bitch

yeah. she's just a dirty asshole.


Police: Fourth-grade teacher had side job as prostitute

By Associated Press

BELLEFONTAINE, Ohio -- Authorities say an Ohio fourth-grade teacher had a side job as a prostitute, and even skipped class after using a school computer to arrange an afternoon tryst at a motel.

Logan County sheriff’s officials say 35-year-old Amber Carter was arrested Tuesday at a motel parking lot in Bellefontaine in central Ohio. She’s charged with misdemeanor prostitution and a felony, unauthorized use of property, regarding the computer.

Bellefontaine City Schools Superintendent Larry Anderson says officials are shocked. He says Carter never received a reprimand in 13 years at the district.

She’s now on administrative leave.

A woman answering a phone listing for Amber Carter in Bellefontaine hung up on a call seeking comment Wednesday.

[Image: 345,]

anyone want to check for an ad on craigslist?
Who the hell was paying to fuck Barney Rubble
Sean Young sucks

What a stupid, drunk bitch.


finkle einhorn

i didn't even know who she was until i started to watch the clip
She needs to change names with Shai LaBeouf so I can keep genders striaght.
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