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he paid with a check?

man, those girls are dumb....


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ah fuck, i give up
DECEMBER 18--A pair of Georgia eighth graders this week copped to public indecency charges after they engaged in oral sex while a substitute teacher was helping other students at the front of the classroom. The incident, which occurred earlier this month at a public middle school, initially went undetected since "several students were sitting to block the view of the teacher while the incident occurred." According to the below

Warner Robins Police Department report, a male student asked a female classmate to perform the sex act, and the girl agreed. With her view obstructed, the substitute was unaware of the underage sex occurring a few rows away (as a result, the educator has been bounced from the county's list of approved substitute teachers). However, fellow classmates observed the December 4 encounter and reported it to a Warner Robins Middle School administrator.

Though none of the students apparently clued in the substitute teacher about the sex act as it was happening during fourth period. During a Houston County Juvenile Court hearing this week, the students--whose names are confidential due to their ages--admitted to public indecency and disrupting a public school. As part of the plea, sodomy charges against both students were dropped, and a probation violation count leveled against the boy was dismissed.

After being held at a youth detention facility, the girl was released to her parents's custody. The boy, however, remains locked up, according to a law enforcement official.
Perez Hilton, snarky celebrity blogger tweeted today a warning to Courtney Love and Lindsey Lohan using Brittney Murphy’s tragic death as a warning to them.

“Dear @LindsayLohan and Courtney Love, wake up!!!! Please go to rehab again and GET IT TOGETHER before it's too late! R.I.P. Brittany Murphy”


Securb Wrote:Perez Hilton, snarky celebrity blogger tweeted today a warning to Courtney Love and Lindsey Lohan using Brittney Murphy’s tragic death as a warning to them.

“Dear @LindsayLohan and Courtney Love, wake up!!!! Please go to rehab again and GET IT TOGETHER before it's too late! R.I.P. Brittany Murphy”

Just to be clear Perez is the skank in the story.... right?
3dR3 Wrote:Just to be clear Perez is the skank in the story.... right?

That is a tough call
It looks like this little asian girl outed buy her brother takes the prize.

[Image: 58kxi.jpg]


i love the internet.

that is why...
Police say Ivana Trump has been escorted off a plane in Florida after she became belligerent when children were running and screaming in the aisles.

Authorities say the first ex-wife of billionaire Donald Trump cussed at the children Saturday, and when flight attendants on the New York-bound plane tried to calm her, she became even more aggravated.

Her spokeswoman, Catherine Saxton, did not immediately return a telephone message. Trump filed for divorce from her fourth husband earlier this month.

She has not been charged in the incident at Palm Beach International Airport.

Palm Beach County sheriff's deputies asked Trump to voluntarily exit the plane, but they said she refused. She was then escorted off.
What no panties! Skank

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