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Securb Wrote:[Image: publicsexduo.jpg]

Which one is the guy?
WESTWOOD – A woman is accused of flashing her breasts at a youth football team, coaches and parents.

Tonya Brown, 33, was arrested and charged with public indecency about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, according to Hamilton County court documents.

She lifted her shirt on a field at Oskamp Park on Glenway Avenue in West Price Hill and exposed her breasts, Cincinnati police wrote in court records.

She was booked into the county jail, processed and released.

[Image: bilde?Site=AB&Date=20100916&Category=NEW...50&title=0]


i wonder what her nipples look liked.

she probably got arrested because no one wanted to see those tits. no one.
Woman Utters Line Never Previously Recorded In A Police Report

Meet Melissa Lee Williams. The West Virginia woman, 41, is facing assault and weapons charges after allegedly waving a knife at two men who declined her demands to engage in sexual conduct at a West Virginia motor inn.

The October 22 incident is detailed in an amusing/gross Jackson County Sheriff’s Department report excerpted here.

According to investigators, Williams--who lives four doors down from her estranged husband at the 77 Motor Inn--showed up at his door and asked Danny Williams and another man to “eat my pussy.” At this point, Williams, pictured in the mug shot at right, “commenced to undress herself,” reported Deputy Ross Mellinger.

While Danny Williams “declined said invitation,” the other man, Adam Watson, told cops that he “agreed to perform at her request.” However, as Watson approached Williams, “he became overwhelmed by horrible vaginal odor emitting from Melissa Williams.” Watson, understandably, “declined to proceed any further.”

This is when Melissa Williams allegedly “produced a lock-back folding knife,” opened it, and pointed the weapon at her estranged husband. She then reportedly uttered a line never before memorialized in a police report: “Somebody is going to eat my pussy or I’m going to cut your fucking throat.”

When Deputy Mellinger arrived on the scene he observed Williams--who, like the two men, appeared to be intoxicated--nude from the waist down. After pocketing a knife that was on the coffee table in front of Williams, Mellinger arrested her for domestic assault and brandishing a deadly weapon.

Williams, who was released from jail after posting $3000 bond, is next due in Jackson County Magistrate Court on February 16.

[Image: melissaleewilliamsmugshot.jpg]
BOISE, Idaho — Police arrested a woman in Idaho’s capital city after they say she impersonated a plastic surgeon and conducted breast exams on at least two women in local bars.

Kristina B. Ross was arrested Tuesday and jailed on accusations of unlicensed practice of medicine.

It all started earlier this month, when Boise police were called to a downtown medical office by employees of a licensed plastic surgeon.
Police say the office was getting calls from prospective patients who wanted to see a Dr. Berlyn Aussieahshowna. But no doctor by that name worked at the office.

Police got contact information for the women who had called, interviewed them — and then identified the 37-year-old Ross, who isn’t licensed to practice medicine.

A phone listing for a Kristina Ross in Boise was disconnected.
Detectives say they fear there may be others who had fake exams.

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A topless woman who was masturbating in a hotel parking lot is facing a weapons charge after Illinois cops investigating her auto eroticism discovered a loaded pistol in her vehicle.

A Naperville cop responding to an unrelated call spotted Vikki Myers, 44, in a van outside the Red Roof Inn. After initially claiming that she was changing clothes, Myers admitted to pleasuring herself in the vehicle, according to police.

That admission may have been prompted by a police officer’s discovery of what an officer described as “adult items that were used for self-pleasuring.”

In addition to copping to the vehicular masturbation, Myers told cops that that there was a loaded 9mm Sig Sauer handgun in the car, a weapon for which she did not have a state-issued Firearm Owners Identification card. Myers, pictured in the above mug shot, was charged with unlawful possession of a firearm.

It appears that Myers, who was staying at the hotel with her three children, had repaired to her 2002 Chrysler van for some alone time.

[Image: vickimyersmug.jpg]
so when someone tells you to go fuck yourself, you can't do it in your car?
Hooch Wrote:so when someone tells you to go fuck yourself, you can't do it in your car?

This really puts a damper on your activities in the back of the Jeep at the Linc, doesn't it.
Securb Wrote:This really puts a damper on your activities in the back of the Jeep at the Linc, doesn't it.

what's next? not being able to fuck yourself in the stadium bathroom?
Woman Busted For Bloody Tongue Assault

DECEMBER 7--What kind of a woman bites off her 79-year-old husband’s tongue and then poses for a mug shot flashing her pearly whites?

Meet Karen Lueders.

The 57-year-old Wisconsin woman was arrested Monday evening on a felony mayhem-domestic violence count after she allegedly bit off half of her husband Willard’s tongue while kissing him, according to investigators.

Willard Lueders was transported to a hospital about 50 miles from the couple’s Sheboygan home, so doctors could attempt to re-attach the tongue.

It is unclear why Karen, pictured in the above mug shot, bit off Willard’s tongue. Though Willard--in written responses to police questions--said that his wife was a in "manic state" when he was attacked, and had been "talking very fast and talking about spiritual things" over the past few days.

Willard said that he had gotten up at around 11:15 PM to go to the bathroom, where his wife was sitting on the toilet. “He advised that he kissed her while she was sitting on the toilet and that she had gone into a manic state, biting off his tongue,” according to a criminal complaint filed today. Willard added that his wife had also grabbed his penis.

Responding to a 911 call from Willard, police found Karen outside their home, where she was singing Christmas carols with a New Year's horn in her hand.

According to a page on the Faith Alliance Church web site, Karen Lueders is a “full-time Activity Director for the elderly” who shares “a music ministry named ‘His Harmony’” with her husband. Lueders, the church notes, “teaches good thoughts in Christ are mandatory for a life of love and service.”

In April, Lueders, who has two grown daughters and five grandchildren, spoke at a women’s church seminar entitled “Misfeeding Our Appetites.” Lueders lectured attendees on how to “Gain understanding into what you are really hungry for, ‘retrain your brain,’ and seek out what will really fill you up. Live the life God intends for you to live!”

[Image: karenluedersmug.jpg]
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