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English teacher arrested after she 'had sex with FIVE students during an orgy in her home while her soldier husband was serving overseas'

A teacher has been jailed after being accused of having sex with five of her teenage students during an orgy at her home

Brittni Colleps, a married mother of three, invited the boys to her Texas home for the sex romp and the encounter was filmed on their cell phones.

The 27-year-old's husband was away overseas duty serving with the US military.

Colleps, an English teacher and girl's basketball coach, faces up to ten years in jail after being charged with five felony counts of inappropriate relationships between a student and a teacher.

Although all five of the teens involved with Colleps were 18 years of age or older, Texas law prohibits sex between a teacher and a student, regardless of the student’s age.

According to a police arrest warrant affidavit, the investigation into Colleps began after a 19-year-old student told investigators about his sexual relationship with his English teacher.

The student told police the relationship began with sexually explicit text messages and photos that they sent to each other for about a week in late April.

Later that month the student drove to Colleps home in Arlington, Texas where they had sex.

He later received a text message from the teacher saying they 'had fun' and an invite back to the house.

When he arrived there were four other students from Kennedale High School present and they told police they all had sex with Colleps.

When police analyzed the teen's phone they found video footage of him and Colleps having sex. They also found sexually explicit photos and text messages the pair had sent each other.

Police later interviewed a second student who said he was present when the sex romp took place.

School officials learned about the teacher's alleged relationships and put her on leave with pay.

Schools Superintendent Gary Dugger posted a letter on the school’s website saying that the district was cooperating with investigators.

'As the alleged acts occurred off campus, once Kennedale ISD personnel were put on notice, immediate action was taken,' the letters says.

Colleps is being held in the Arlington jail on $125,000 bail after turning herself into police on Monday.

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Drunk Wife Sprays Breast Milk At Deputies

POWELL, Ohio --
A drunk Westerville woman sprays deputies with breast milk after she gets into a fight with her husband at a wedding reception, deputies say.

Stephanie Robinette, 30, will be in court Monday morning to answer to charges of domestic violence, assault, obstructing official business, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.

Delaware County deputies responded to a domestic violence call at the Bridgewater Banquet Facility, Sawmill Parkway, at about 1 a.m. Sunday.

Robinette's husband told deputies he and his wife were at a wedding reception when she became drunk and started an argument.

Her husband also said Robinette hit him several times and then locked herself in their vehicle.

That's when someone called the sheriff's office.

Robinette began yelling profanities and refused when deputies asked her to get out of the vehicle, Sheriff Walter L. Davis III said.

Robinette told them she is a breast-feeding mother while they tried to get her out of the vehicle.

She pulled her right breast out of her dress and sprayed deputies and the vehicle with breast milk, according to the sheriff's report.

More deputies responded, and Robinette was pulled from the vehicle and placed under arrest.

She is at the Delaware County jail.

She will make her first court appearance in Delaware municipal court around 9:30 a.m. Monday. NBC4 will be following the story.

[Image: stephanie-robinette]
Speng Wrote:[Image: stephanie-robinette]

Who wants ice cream !?!?
What flavor, rum raisin?
ROCKAWAY, NJ (WCBS 880) - Ordering “extra sugar” at the Dunkin’ Donuts along Route 46 in Rockaway Township apparently got you more than just a sweet cup of coffee.

WCBS 880′s Levon Putney In New Jersey

Police say 29-year-old Melissa Redmond, of nearby Mine Hill, was arrested for selling sex while working late night shifts at the store after soliciting sex from a undercover officer.

Police Det. Sgt. Kyle Schwarzmann said Redmond would go out to cars in the parking lot and spend 15 to 20 minutes in the vehicles.

“Whatever sexual act you want, there was a price for it,” says Schwarzmann.

Local residents were relieved the operation was put to an end.

“It’s good they caught her. I mean, that’s horrible. You doing things like this and then you’re going inside serving the people,” says regular customer Al, one of many in stopping by in disbelief.
Now I want donuts.
BALTIMORE -- The woman caught on tape brutally beating a transgendered woman at a Rosedale McDonald's has pleaded guilty to the attack.
Teonna Brown, 18, pleaded guilty Thursday to one count of first-degree assault and one count of a hate crime in the attack of 22-year-old Chrissy Polis.

Read more:
Woman 'encouraged husband to have sex with 12-year-old girl so that she would get pregnant and they could claim more benefits'

A woman encouraged her husband to have sex with a 12-year-old girl so that she would get pregnant and they could claim extra cash benefits.

Alicia Bouchard even sat and watched while her 26-year-old husband had sex with the underage girl at their Florida home.

According to an arrest warrant, the 41-year-old wanted the girl to fall pregnant so that she and her husband would have extra income from state benefits.

Bouchard is alleged to have actively encouraged her husband to sleep with the girl who had been staying at their home in Jackson County, Florida.

The sex and benefits scam began after the girl, who has not been named, told Bouchard that she was sexually active.Mrs Bouchard is alleged to have persuaded her to sleep with her husband Matt, telling her that 'the worse that could happen is you would get pregnant'.

Her husband told authorities after his arrest on under age sex charges that it was his wife's goal that a pregnancy would lead to more income for the household.

Police began investigating the Bouchard's after they received a complaint that the girl was being sexually abused.

The arrest report does not reveal how the 12-year-old girl came to live with the married couple, but is believed to be a family friend.

Mr Bouchard was arrested on sex abuse charges last October and has been held in jail ever since.

His wife's involvement began apparent went investigators talked to the 12-year-old girl after she was placed in a shelter.

Investigators also obtained a letter Mrs. Bouchard sent to the girl after she was placed in a shelter.

In the letter, she apologised to the girl for forcing her to watch her and her husband have sex and also said it was a mistake to watch her husband have sex with the 12-year-old victim.

She wrote she was 'dang sure [she] should not have allowed [her] to have sex with Matt.”.

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Rosie Brovent of Dayton, Ohio went to get a tattoo from her ex-boyfriend Ryan Fitzgerald. She wanted a scene from Narnia, but said it was up to Fitzgerald to design the look of the tattoo. What Brovent ended up with was a giant full back tattoo of a steaming pile of SH*T!!.

Apparently Ryan found out that she had cheated with a long-time friend of his and this was his way of getting even. Originally Rossie tried to have Ryan charged with assault but it turns out this crafty tattoo artist got her to sign a consent form prior to the tattoo and it said that the design was 'at the artists discretion', she claims:

“he tricked her by drinking a bottle of cheap wine with me and doing tequila shots before I signed it and got the tattoo”. “Actually I was passed out for most of the time, and woke up to this horrible image on my back.”
She's suing for $100K ... but since she SIGNED THE CONSENT . . . she prolly ain't getting . . . a steaming pie of SH*T!!!

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