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Chef_Tony Wrote:They actually say she did it in only 4 takes from memory.

It scares me that you know that
Chef_Tony Wrote:Maybe the filthy rich little cumdumpster has a little intelligence after all.

I wouldn't go that far, being able to memorize isn't a sign of intelligence...goldfish can memorize and recognize things.

They probably just dangled a dick off camera as a reward.
Securb Wrote:It scares me that you know that

Read it on CNN
Speng Wrote:They probably just dangled a dick off camera as a reward.

or some quality vag

[Image: hilton_hacked_pics23.jpg]


Maybe it was written on Richie's Corpse?
Roseanne's" Original Becky: Misfortune Teller
Posted Jul 25th 2008 2:29PM by TMZ Staff

Once upon a time Alicia Goranson's future seemed bright, playing the original Becky Conner on "Roseanne." That was over eleven years ago.

[Image: 0725_alicia_goranson_inf.jpg]

Alicia, 34, resurfaced last week at Gowanus Yacht Club in Brooklyn -- working! Goranson was reading tarot cards and telling patrons lies their fortunes for money.
And drinking Black Label!

I'll take the lesbian sister.
Prog Wrote:I'll take the lesbian sister.

I'll take the replacement Becky. I always thought the original Becky was odd looking and pretty ugly.

I ran across an episode of Roseanne on tv not too long really doesn't hold up.


Securb Wrote:Gowanus Yacht Club

are you kidding me? they named it THAT?
3dR3 Wrote:are you kidding me? they named it THAT?

Looked right passed that one.