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Full Version: Skank of the week
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her big fat ass looked ok in spandex.... especially for having twins... but she never did turn around.... may have also been wearing a girdle....
Speng Wrote:It's really got to hurt her ego to realize that the world doesn't revolve around her or her big fat ass.

Well, her ass does have its own gravitation field, so smaller objects do revolve around it.
Prog Wrote:Well, her ass does have its own gravitation field, so smaller objects do revolve around it.

Like her husband's fan base
She was just sentenced to three years for hitting a woman with a rum bottle last October. She'll get an additional seven years probation.

The victim -- a former Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader -- was hospitalized after the attack and permanently scarred.

Ms. Brat was convicted back in 2001 for misdemeanor reckless conduct.

[Image: 1254894221_9d45c07d80.jpg]
If she looks like that, she'll be popular in prison.
O shit Prog has a sweet tooth for a little brown sugar.
Find out who did this so I can thank them personally and by them a drink LOL

[Image: kelly-osbourne-black-eye.jpg]
Looks like someone found the ugly stick and beat her a second time.
Securb Wrote:O shit Prog has a sweet tooth for a little brown sugar.

And I'm trying to get my brother to go with me to see Morris Day and the Time next month. Jungle love!!
Securb Wrote:[Image: kelly-osbourne-black-eye.jpg]

Reminds me of the old joke, what do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, the bitch has already been told twice.