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Things aroud town are going to get busy this weekend.
My little town is hosting a "desert Enduro "  car rally/Race.
The towns population [ about 650 ] is expected to swell to over two or three times the size for the weekend.
This will be a bit different for around here.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=734]
Sounds like fun!
A couple of Videos about it.
Some serious Mad Max shit going on there.
They sure do have that Mad Max touch to them or Vice versa.
Apparently 60% of competitors didn't finish due to break downs and damage. There was a tree on one bend that kept getting run/slid into. One competitor wiped the car out badly on it.
As you can see it was pretty muddy. Just that took it's toll and contibuted to many wipe outs.
I saw cars leaving on the Saturday during the time trials. More left during the race on Sunday.
I took a few snaps of cars sitting on their trailers , retired before the end of the race.
[Image: attachment.php?aid=736]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=737]
I don't think this sport will be played in Germany.

It's a federal offense to damage a tree.
(08-11-2017, 04:16 PM)LesStrat Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think this sport will be played in California.

It's a state offense to damage a tree.
