I’ve used Acer monitors at home for several years. My current 22W monitor has been great for about 5 years. It still works fine, but it only accepts VGA input.
The new laptop will only have HDMI output. I’m seriously considering an upgrade to 32”. I won’t be gaming, so it doesn’t have to be the “best” for graphics. I just want the real estate.
Have gotten a few LGs they have performed well and lasted a long time.
Also, I’d prefer to keep it under $300.
We have a great LG tv that has lasted 8 or 9 years.
Are LG and Samsung still the suppliers for all LCD screens?
Samsung makes good TVs and monitors ,we like good deals!
Shopping for a monitor is difficult as you need consider many things when purchasing it like size, refresh rate, resolution, and now even which variable refresh rate technology it supports. Every one of these elements are critical while choosing a monitor that matches the supported technologies and performance of your PC. Be mindful so as not to get excessively made up for lost time in the details however, as most screens are sufficient to satisfy most of the people, and even the
best gaming monitor under 500 dollars can give you amazing gaming experience.
Spam fail.
I bought the monitor 14 months ago.
I reported it too , spam is something that is only good fried with a good crust.
You remember the saying "Good things come in small packages?"
A monitor is not one of them. :toast: