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Full Version: Merry Christmas
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This is how Santa delivers coal to bad kids in 'da hood

[Image: 1323420340ebee690cad.jpg]
Of all the weird places I've shit, and there's been many, I've never shit down a chimney.

Something for my bucket list
[Image: FvX9c.gif]
ChrisH Wrote:[Image: FvX9c.gif]

Merry Christmas indeed!
I am up getting ready to make our traditional glutinous Christmas breakfast.

Garlic Home Fries
Apple Cinnamon Belgium Waffles
Homemade Chicken Sausage (Jimmy Deans Recipe w/ Chicken)
Blueberry Muffins
merry christmas everyone! we had to wake the 9 year old up this morning, score!
Merry Christmas everyone!

I have horrendous eggnog farts, the cat is giving me a dirty look.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, everyone. And Happy Lego Day!
How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was nice and quiet.
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