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Full Version: Chimp shot dead after mauling woman
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Sorry Speng I was trying to delete the dupilcate post and chopped the whole thread.

A 200-pound domesticated chimpanzee which once starred in TV commercials has been shot dead by police after a violent rampage that left a friend of its owner badly mauled.

Sandra Herold, who owned the 15-year-old chimp named Travis, wrestled with the animal, stabbed it and hit it with a shovel after it inexplicably attacked her friend Charla Nash.

The 55-year-old victim had gone to the home in Stamford to help her friend coax the chimp back into the house after he got out, said police. After the animal lunged at Ms Nash when she got out of her car, Ms Herold ran inside to call authorities and returned armed with a knife.

Stamford Police Captain Richard Conklin said: "She retrieved a large butcher's knife and stabbed her longtime pet numerous times in an effort to save her friend, who was really being brutally attacked."

Ms Herold told police the knife had no effect and that she had also struck Travis with a shovel.

Ms Nash was in critical condition following surgery for what Stamford Mayor Dannel Malloy called "life-changing, if not life-threatening," injuries to her face and hands.

Cpt Conklin said it is not known what triggered the attack, but chimpanzee had been suffering from Lyme disease "so maybe from the medications he was out of sorts".

Travis ran away after the initial attack but returned and went after several police officers, who retreated into their cars.
An officer shot Travis several times after the animal opened the door to his cruiser and started to get in.

"The animal had cornered him," said Cpt Conklin. "He had no other recourse."


what dumbasses......

who shows up to a crazy chimp party without tranquilizers?
I don't think I posted the same article twice, the second one was a follow up about the woman's condition. It said the chimp bit off both of her hands....yuk.
Speng Wrote:I don't think I posted the same article twice, the second one was a follow up about the woman's condition. It said the chimp bit off both of her hands....yuk.

Sorry Speng I had just got off work and was trying to update a ton of crap befopre settling in for the night. The Chimp story is huge news up here. I guess the woman thought the chimp was stressed and she gave it wine and xanex
No big deal, I can repost it if anyone wants to read the story. What a horrific thing, having your hands chewed off...shit.
I guess after Conn. police arent fucking around with these monkeys.

WINSTON, Mo. – Officers shot and killed a rampaging chimpanzee in a rural area and then found a squalid, unlicensed puppy mill in the chimp owners' home, officials said.
Three people were arrested Wednesday on charges of animal abuse and neglect, operating as an unlicensed breeder and keeping wild animals without proper registration, Daviess County officials said.

The Sheriff's Department had responded to a call Monday night on a request to help capture an angry chimp running loose on a highway outside Winston in northwest Missouri. When officers arrived, the 9-year-old chimp opened the patrol car door and grabbed the leg of a deputy, who fatally shot it, Chief Deputy Todd Watson said.
"We never knew there was an animal like this in the county," Watson said.
When Watson went to talk to the owners, he smelled a strong odor and heard barking from an estimated 100 to 200 small-breed dogs inside. The occupants told Watson they also had three other primates.

Watson returned Tuesday with a search warrant and discovered only 13 dogs and two cats remaining, and they showed signs of abuse and neglect. Watson said he also discovered the remains of nine dead puppies in the yard and recovered records on breeding and sales of pups that brought as much as $400 each.

Brent Hudson, 49; his wife, Cherace Hudson, 41; and their friend Mary Overton, 52, were jailed on $5,000 bond. They did not have attorneys, Watson said.
The three other primates have been recovered. The Humane Society of Missouri is offering a reward for information on the dogs that were seen Monday but gone from the property by the time officials returned Tuesday.

State Agriculture Department spokeswoman Misti Preston said the breeder never had a state license. The home was in a remote location, with no neighbors nearby.
Missouri Agriculture Director Jon Hagler, who has said he wants to put bad breeders out of business, said in a statement that such operators put the health and welfare of animals at risk and place legitimate pet breeders at a competitive disadvantage.
Securb Wrote:When officers arrived, the 9-year-old chimp opened the patrol car door and grabbed the leg of a deputy,

I need to see video of that! Did the chimp go up to the door and open it by the handle or did he rip the door off and throw it like Clyde in Every Which Way but Loose?


where did Atilla come from anyway :shifty:
3dR3 Wrote:where did Atilla come from anyway :shifty:

We got him in trade for a banner ad from Ringling Bros. He was so cute and cuddly. It wasnt until he came to TMR that he became the alcoholic shit throwing freak he is today. He does have a great arm on him, boy can that chimp throw a used melon.


who can blame him? being in an office makes us all a little ape shit.
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