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Full Version: TMR Contest: Who is the first NFL head coach to be fired?
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Get in on the side action... Pick the first Head Coach to get fired during this upcoming NFL season. Just enter the name, nothing else.

Edited posts are disqualified.

I'll get the winner a football or some NFL schwag.


hmmmmmmmmm this could get interesting.
I would like to take Belichick but I guess I will go with Josh McDanials
First NFL Coach to get fired this season, Jack Del Rio. :p
Dick Jauron
Tom Cable - the last 2 raiders coaches made it 16 games and 20 games... he's at 12 already.
Edited posts don't count, how about multiple posts? Nothing mentioned about that... I'm assuming its a total of 1 guess per user though.
Todd Haley
skarydrunkguy Wrote:Edited posts don't count, how about multiple posts? Nothing mentioned about that... I'm assuming its a total of 1 guess per user though.

The last coach posted is that member's entry. Entries cut off at the completion of week 1 games.
Norv Turner or Wade Phillips, im going with Wade Phillips, jerry needs a scapegoat for when the season turns to shit
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