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Full Version: Everybody must get stoned!
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Lawmakers in a devoutly Muslim Indonesian province voted unanimously that adulterers can be sentenced to death by stoning, just months after voters overwhelmingly chose to throw conservative Islamic parties out of power.

With only weeks to go before a new government led by a moderate party takes over in Aceh province, hard-liners still in control of the regional parliament pushed through legislation Monday to impose steep punishments for adultery and homosexuality......

...... version of Shariah that was introduced in Aceh in 2001 already bans gambling and drinking alcohol (fucking animals), and makes it compulsory for women to wear headscarves. Dozens of public canings have been carried out by the local Shariah police against violators of that law


well....... this thread didn't go the way i expected
It's hard to believe that in 2009 people are still getting hit with rocks as punishment.

Fucking third world countries
Not too unbelivabe. If we show up at TMR late Hooch throws rocks at us.
It's all fun until someone loses an eye, then it's fun with one eye.
Securb Wrote:Not too unbelivabe. If we show up at TMR late Hooch throws rocks at us.

Pieces of petrified monkey feces are not rocks


my eye doctor asked me if i took up wood working as a hobby.

he noticed a lot of brown matter in my tear ducts.

i just told him i had a problem with punctuality.... he didn't seem to get it.