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Hooch Wrote:Segway Inc. owner rides over cliff to his death... on a Segway

I'd like to make a joke but can't come up with a good segway..
He's one from the personal file. This guy was cutting a tree down on his property yesterday evening, right down the street from my office. It actually went in the direction it was supposed to according to the way he was cutting it. Unfortunately, that direction was pointed right at his house.

[Image: 003.JPG]
This is why it's worth it to me to pay someone else to cut down the trees around my house. Because I would be THAT GUY :(:(

A person has to know his limitations, however low they may be...LOL
From the storm in NYC

Garbage pile saves man who tried to commit suicide in midtown

A suicidal man plummeted nine stories and survived in midtown Sunday when he landed on a trash heap that had piled up since last week's blizzard slammed the city, officials said.

Vangelis Kapatos, 26, jumped from his father's apartment in The Whitby building on W. 45th St. near Eighth Ave. a few minutes before noon.

Cop sources said he had tried to take his life a number of other ways immediately before leaping.

He was rushed to Bellevue Hospital Center, where he was in critical but stable condition early Sunday evening, police said.

"He landed on a garbage pile," one official said. "That's the only reason he's alive."

Cops said Kapatos' injuries were not life-threatening.

The Sanitation Department suspended trash collection after the Dec. 26 snowstorm that paralyzed the city. It was expected to resume tomorrow.

Residents of the building, where Kapatos lived with his father since childhood, said the garbage had been kept in the basement since the storm hit.

Workers had moved the foul-smelling heap - roughly 100 plastic bags - out onto the sidewalk Sunday morning.

Kapatos' family is originally from Greece, neighbors said.

[Image: alg_trash_still.jpg]


Black Widow attempted New Year Moscow attack but blew herself up by mistake


A "Black Widow" suicide bomber planned a terrorist attack in central Moscow on New Year's Eve but was killed when an unexpected text message set off her bomb too early, according to Russian security sources.

The unnamed woman, who is thought to be part of the same group that struck Moscow's Domodedovo airport on Monday, intended to detonate a suicide belt on a busy square near Red Square on New Year's Eve in an attack that could have killed hundreds.

Security sources believe a spam message from her mobile phone operator wishing her a happy new year received just hours before the planned attack triggered her suicide belt, killing her but nobody else.

She was at her Moscow safe house at the time getting ready with two accomplices, both of whom survived and were seen fleeing the scene.

Islamist terrorists in Russia often use cheap unused mobile phones as detonators. The bomber's handler, who is usually watching their charge, sends the bomber a text message in order to set off his or her explosive belt at the moment when it is thought they can inflict maximum casualties.

The phones are usually kept switched off until the very last minute but in this case, Russian security sources believe, the terrorists were careless.

The dead woman has not been identified. Her handler, a 24-year-old woman from the internal Muslim Russian republic of Dagestan, has been named as Zeinat Suyunova. Her husband is apparently still serving time in jail for himself being a member of a radical Islamist terror group.

Security sources believe the new year's eve bomber and the airport bombers may have been members of a suicide squad trained in Pakistan's al-Qaeda strongholds which was sent to the Russian capital in December to target the city's transportation system.

The security services circulated a warning to Moscow police that month, saying there was credible intelligence of two teams of Islamist militants poised to strike in different parts of the country.

Nobody has been arrested in connection with Monday's airport bombing, which left 35 people dead, and it is not clear whether the attack was carried out by one or two suicide bombers. Police are trying to identify the severed head of a male suicide bomber recovered from the scene and are trying to confirm whether he was accompanied by a female suicide bomber. Security sources said an apartment on the edge of Moscow thought to be a bomb-making factory was raided on 20 January but that it was empty. The Kremlin is under growing pressure to explain why its policy of pacifying the predominantly Muslim flank of southern Russia, which is used as a launch pad for such terror strikes, has failed. President Dmitry Medvedev fired Andrei Alexeyev, a senior transport policeman on Wednesday, pinning much of the blame on the police and the airport authorities. "Those who did not work properly must be punished," he said.


[Image: Helps_pull_chimney.gif]


Rooster Kills Man Attending Cockfight

A California man attending a cockfight has died after being stabbed in the leg by a bird that had a knife attached to its own limb.

The Kern County coroner says 35-year-old Jose Luis Ochoa was declared dead at a hospital about two hours after he suffered the injury in neighboring Tulare County on Jan. 30.

An autopsy concluded Ochoa died of an accidental “sharp force injury” to his right calf.

Sheriff’s spokesman Ray Pruitt says it’s unclear if a delay in seeking medical attention contributed to Ochoa’s death. Tulare officials are investigating, and no arrests were made at the cockfight.

Cockfighting is a sport, illegal in the United States, in which specially bred roosters are put into a ring and encouraged to fight until one is incapacitated or killed.
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