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So I see the 25 years of Tom banner on top....

Thoughts, opinions...

douche bag or great actor?

has he gone too far?

was Katie really a virgin?

does this sound like a gay Entertainment show pre-advertisement break... shit it does.

Personally I enjoyed Top Gun.
Tom in the old days was alright... Top Gun, Days of Thunder, A Few Good Men, Rain Man...

He has a few good recent ones too... The Last Samurai, Collateral, M:I3 was alright, so was Minority Report...

The problem is, these are good movies, but not entirely because of Tom. He can sort of act, but he always just plays "Tom Cruise". Kind of annoying after a while, especially lately.

Real life, media Tom is a massive douche. I wish he would just disappear. He needs to stop spouting his cultish thoughts and just make movies. Oh, and admit that he's a closet homosexual and give up the charade with Katie Holmes. Let the world have her back.
I've discovered that, for the most part, he plays the same character in every movie. The way he talks, moves, expressions. He's just himself. Check out the trailer for Valkyrie. Everyone speaks with some sort of German dialect except Cruise. He does not make any changes to his performance in any movie. I've enjoyed many of his movies, but I've also decided he's made good movies. For the most part, he won't hurt a movie with his performance, but he's not going to ever pull one out of the ditch. I wish he would have been in The Departed to see how he did with everyone else dropping r's to give it the Boston sound.

As for outside of films, since I always claim I don't care about any actor's opinions or beliefs, I give him the same courtesy.
I hate the guy, he's a completely overrated bag of feminine hygiene irrigation solution. I don't think he's much of an actor, every role I've seen him play is just Tom Cruise playing Tom Cruise. His range is very limited and he lacks any real emotion.

I could go on about his personal life and beliefs but I don't know where to start....complete fucking nutjob.


I thought you'd share similar sentiments as I did.

He appears to be one dimensional in his roles. Fel pretty much listed the flicks of his I can tolerate.

Speng, it's ok, you can say DOUCHE here... :)
I was trying to be didn't work.
Personally, I love his movies, but I don't necessarily love him. I cannot think of one movie he has done that I didn't enjoy in some way or another. However, that doesn't make him less of a douche. At least Tom's batshit scientology bullshit is tolerable.

I used to LOVE Sean Connery, every fucking movie he did, until I heard about him smacking around his wife, and that's just despicable. Now I think he is a flat out prick. and that sucks, because he was the best James Bond ever, and now I have trouble watching his films. Now if Tom Cruise talks about smacking Katie around, I'd have the same problem. hopefully it never comes to that.
He's a douchebag. Like everyone else has already said, he is the same character in every movie, himself.

TopGun? All I can ever think about is Tarantino's rant about Top Gun. Here
I just watched a documentary on the History Channel the other day about the Manson family...Tom Cruise looks exactly like Tex Watson.
Speng Wrote:I was trying to be didn't work.

It worked for me, you great big eloquent hunk of eloquence, you.... ;)

Don't think me unkind
Words are hard to find
They're only cheques I've left unsigned
From the banks of chaos in my mind
And when their eloquence escapes me
Their logic ties me up and rapes me
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