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I'm not saying the Bears/Seahawks game is boring but I fell asleep twice already.
Speng Wrote:I'm not saying the Bears/Seahawks game is boring but I fell asleep twice already.

haha, I just woke up myself
Too funny I woke up with 2 minutes left and made a cup for tea so I dont snooze during The Pats/Jets
Sorry Pats fans, I am responsible... I picked them to win it all
Wow, the Jets really put their best foot forward
4th and 13? They deserved to lose


Hooch Wrote:There are NFL games still going on?

What games?
So far so good.
I'm pretty sure if the Packers were the 5 seed, I'd be in the stadium watching them beat the Eagles right now.
and if he Bears came back to win this game, that fat-faced coward crybaby Cutler should not have gotten the start in the SB.
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