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Full Version: I Don't Get It
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Securb Wrote:So while we are talking about bathroom talk I had an adventure this morning. I never sit on the cloth subway seats only the vinyl ones. This morning I sat down on a cloth seat and at some point someone had obviously pissed themselves in that seat. All I could smell was rancid urine (Mmmm urine). The first thing that went through my mind was if I get up and my pants are wet I am going to puke.

Wow, you Boston guys are out of control. In Philly we only piss, shit and vomit on ourselves at the sports complex.
Hooch Wrote:Wow, you Boston guys are out of control. In Philly we only piss, shit and vomit on ourselves at the sports complex.

We like to keep things contained
Neil you remember what Washington St Station smelled like. I remember a tourist was standing on a wet spot on the subway platform. When I explained it had not rained in weeks and what whe was standing in I thought she was going to puke. Ahhh good times.
Yeah, you can't get those memeries just anywhere. Well, almost. I've been in some stations around here that bring me back to my childhood. Bridge and Pratt, for example, or at the other end, Broad and Oregon. Both very reminiscent of several train stations of my youth.
Malden Station is beyond a shithole now. Junkies everywhere, mostly people we went to school with. Or should I say people that should have been in school with us but decided not to go.
Gator Wrote:Yeah, you can't get those memeries just anywhere. Bridge and Pratt, for example,

I haven't been to B&P in like 20 years and it was shit then. I can't imagine what it is like now.
It's probably been that long since I've been there too. I drive by there once in a while though, on my way to 95 if I go that way.
Hooch Wrote:I haven't been to B&P in like 20 years and it was shit then. I can't imagine what it is like now.

Is that the subway station they filmed The Warriors in?
Might as well have been. The neighborhood isn't too different
Man, I wish we had subway stations around here, they sound like fun
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