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Full Version: I Don't Get It
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I just saw a homeless guy wearing a Brown University hoodie. He didn't look too Ivy League to me. Unless he was advertising the state of his underwear ...I dont get it.
Hey, you never know. I saw a guy on Cash Cab yesterday who looked like he could have been homeless and he was smart as shit.
Gator Wrote:Hey, you never know. I saw a guy on Cash Cab yesterday who looked like he could have been homeless and he was smart as shit.

Now knowing that you watch Cash Cab I don't think I trust you as a judge of anyone's intelligence.


Securb Wrote:Now knowing that you watch Cash Cab I don't think I trust you as a judge of anyone's intelligence.

I'm really good at that show..... LOL
Hey, that show is very good. A poor man's Jeopardy, if you will


Gator Wrote:Hey, that show is very good. A poor man's Jeopardy, if you will

yeah.... probably why i excel at it LOL

although it also proves how dumb some people are...
I always get mad when I know the answer and no one calls me :(

But it's great when they get they're asses tossed out in the rain for being imbeciles.

I saw a guy win $6200 on there a couple of weeks ago. He was the highest winner in their history.


damn, i think before that it was close to 3 grand?
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