These refs suck...holy shit.
The Packers' defense couldn't stop a runaway shopping cart.
i only saw one really bad call in the Eagles-Browns game... which is an improvement. Most of the sucking in that game was done by the football players.
Even bad calls couldn't have saved The Dolphins. Gonna be a long season.
Is it wrong I enjoy seeing Cutler getting sacked so much? He always looks like he just woke up from a bender.
I have the wife on a suicide watch. Talk about a roller-coaster ending for the Pats game.
Is Vick going to survive the season? He was taking some brutal hits.
Holy you're famous! Too bad you weren't wearing a TMRZoo shirt.
Speng Wrote:Holy you're famous! Too bad you weren't wearing a TMRZoo shirt.
You trying to stir shit up? Cool video we need to blog it. TMRZoo shares tailgating recipe with Philly News Station
Securb Wrote:You trying to stir shit up?
Not at all, for once I wasn't trying to be a wise ass.