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Full Version: Please to advise: What is humbucker to make my alder guitar sound like M1 Abrams tank
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I want make guitar sound like tank treads squealing sound. should smell like engine grease and shoot artillery at terrorist.

What humbucker I should buy?

SSL-1? or I should take maybe charlie christian pickup?

thank you for your kindness.
Get a JB.

Swap to Alnico 2.

Swap to Alnico 4.

Pretend to hear a difference, swap to Alnico 8.

Wait for Blueman to tell you you're doing it wrong, so buy a vintage 1859 Gibsum PAF pickup truck.

Drive your pickup over the JB.

Get blackouts.
ur doing it wrong.

only uoa5 for teh vintage warmth and haunting mids
Humbucker to make Mahogony sound more like Basswood?
- -

yes, i was making parody
In order to tank, I think you need an ASS-1 pikcup
DreX make pickup like that?
No but he make graph.
Throw grammar out with bathwater eh?
(05-31-2014, 11:39 PM)CTN Wrote: [ -> ]yes, i was making parody
Is good geetar, dis parody? I not hear of parody before .
Pages: 1 2