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Full Version: The 13 Worst Synonyms For 'Vagina,' Ranked
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13. Lady bits. Prissy, but not that bad.

12. Flower. Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork aside, vagina-rose comparisons sound like something out of a 1950s sex ed class. Your vagina isn't a flower -- it's a body part.

11. Vajeen. With a soft “j.” Only acceptable if you’re French.

10. Bajingo. Pleasantly peppy, but also sounds like a board game. Yahtzee!

9. Va-jay-jay. In-between a nonsense word and an anatomically correct term. So close... and yet so far. (Only Bailey from "Grey's" can pull off using this term.)

8. Woo-hoo/ Ya-hoo/ Hoo-ha. While we hope every lady associates her vagina with fun, these are rodeo shouts.

7. Coochie/ cooch. Preferred euphemism of "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta." Sounds like you're talking to a baby.

6. Beaver. This is an animal. A goofy-looking animal with teeth. Not part of a woman's anatomy.

5. Muffin. As in, "Is your muffin buttered?" Come on, people. There's no need to confuse the cupcakes of breakfast with anything else.

4. Axe wound. Way too violent and "Game Of Thrones"-esque. Who wants to associate their sexual organs with a deadly injury?

3. Pussy. Overused in porn, and how anyone was ever comfortable with this word’s sibilance is a lifelong mystery.

2. Snatch. We just... why? Who came up with this? What are you snatching? Why are you snatching?

1. Cooter. #NO.

Until we can come up with something new, let's just stick to the classic:

[Image: giphy.gif]
That should have been "Is your muffin battered?"
"pox box"
How come peach wasn't on there?

Boner Garage - open for service?
Pink Taco - just funny
Gash - similar to axe wound though
Meat Curtains - barf
and my personal favourite: Baby Cannon
Bearded Clam
Stench trench
Poodinany - Ex use to call it that. I was thoroughly confused.
The Furry Love Mound
Velvet Sheath
Love Tunnel

And one that my wife came up with (as a joke):
[Image: backoh.jpg]
Where's "pookie"?
My mother calls my little brother pookie.
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