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Bummer. I just saw the news that Kari, Tory, and Grant are leaving Mythbusters. The show is going back to just having Jaime and Adam.

Here in the Vegetable household, we love the show. I took the family to the live Adam and Jaime road show last year which was truly awesome.

Wishing the best for the show's future and also for the departing cast members.
Man, that's a shame...
I've only seen the show a couple of times.
Its one of my favorites. I love Kari.
(08-22-2014, 07:58 AM)karpathion Wrote: [ -> ]I want to do horrible things to Kari.

Me too...for science.
I wish they'd all blow themselves up.
I liked the show when it first started, then they had a behind the scenes special and it showed Adam to be a camera hogging douchebag. That just irked me so I didn't watch it much anymore.
Myth busted