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Full Version: anyone else seen the new walking dead?
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that shit gave me nightmares!
Dude, last night was so badass. Easily one of the best episodes of the series. Carol has finally earned her place.

"I'm going to kill people."

I was actually kinda surprised they didn't drag out Terminus for a full season.

"You're a man without a boat in the middle of the ocean who has saved an anchor."
I haven't seen it yet...

Fuckin' DVR didn't record it.

Such a legit episode.
[Image: c1cb8ef5832453a7d0f4f017eac602ee.jpg]
That bobbq tho
As soon as I saw the preacher I knew that shot would happen.

I love the show, but I miss when it was basically a reimagining of the comics instead of just putting different people on the same situations. The way they carried out Shane's story arch was awesome and he's a character that doesn't live long at all in the books.
I just about finished Four Walls and a Roof.

(Episode 3 current season)

Is there a limit to the brutality of this show? I mean seriously.

I thought the jugular bite kill scene was brutal, these episodes are making that look like a teddy bear Christmas.


I have not seen it yet.