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Yesterday was Turkey Day...

Today is...

TERC-ey Day!

[Image: 15712562178_66bb980afa_z.jpg]
...And the 2 hour review (I'm giddy).

Every one of you has heard the predecessor to this unit - but might not realize where... The Hysteria clip I posted in another thread is likely one of them.

I'm going to take a gander and say this sounds like this is on the 1st couple of Robert Plant albums. Robbie Blunt said those were a CE-1 into a Princeton, but I hear that shimmer on the tone. The CE-1 is probably true, but it certainly sounds to me right now like the 'Tri Chorus' unit went into post processing.

Its unlike every chorus I've ever tried - I've had a number of them, including some that purported to be a 'Tri Chorus' sound. Axe-FX 'Quad Chorus' among them. Its also unlike the 6 voice chorus in the PCM-81 presets.

Its not transparent. My 1st impression is it pulls back the mids a little but makes the sound wider at the same time. That being said, I changed the compressor so it might be that. I'd probably say it has a 'leslie on LSD' kind of tone. Its got the warbling like a leslie, but it translates into more of a sparkle.

Its pretty quiet - also takes instrument level if you want.

I'm thinking right now - Dump the chorus pedals! Actually, I'm closer to dumping my trinity of Strymon pedals.

I have it on good word that the Eventide H9 has the power to do a close facsimile if Eventide will just port the algorithm from the Eclipse to the H9.

Wonder if I post this over on SDUGF, Stratman will have one in a few months? huge grin

Seems he did that when I got the Triaxis and 2:90
Dude, I have to get one of this.
damn dude that is an epic rig.