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Full Version: My probably not so bright ideas for my guitars.
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So I came to a conclusion. Several actually.

1. I don't really like 25.5" for lower than C very much.

2. I don't need/use my PRS Torero anymore.

3. I want strat tones occasionally.

I've come up with a solution to all of these problems.

First, sell the Torero.

Then use that money to buy pickups and a bridge for my old strat copy.

What's left from that cash will go into a custom Baritone conversion neck for my Ibanez 7 string.

The only downside: the kick ass neck will probably take 4 months to be built and shipped.

So I am crazy, or just a genius?

I actually LOVE the ibanez. The only thing I don't like is the scale. If I didn't love it, I wouldn't bother with a new neck.

seems legit.