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Figured I'd drop a little iCandy here. huge grin
Anyone remember Shonen Knife?

I'll spare you the pain of posting any links, (if that's of any kind of warning).
But if you choose to go find something, you've only yourself to blame.

Here's a tune by Japanese band L'arc en Ceil that was used in the anime Full Metal Alchemist.

Keep in mind this was filmed in New York to give you an idea how popular some of these bands get.

Here's a band called BabyMetal.

To say CTN hates them would be an understatement, but if you've never heard of them give this vid a watch.

I can't even begin to describe this:

Ryan has no taste... huge grin

Its well done - girls are hawt and perhaps underage.

Still has that lame factor.
Oh there's no 'perhaps'.
I looked up the band after watching that and the main girl is 17 with the other two being 15.
By our standards...

Now why did I look this up? Age of consent in Japan is 13...

Nope - no way no how.
Just one word - why?
For Ryan: