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Full Version: Tell me why I don't need a lap steel
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I got GAS. But how much would I use it? It would be cool as hell to have one. It would also help me work on my open turnings. But do I really need one? 
I want one too.
They are cool as hell. I'm afraid I can't try to talk you out of this one...
Start a prog, surf or bluegrass band and then you'll at least have a better excuse than, "buuut i waaaaant oooone!!!"
My parents got me one years ago for the holidays. I probably used it like 20 hours. It's cool to have for those moments but mine never gets used anymore.
Was that an offer to sell:?:
Was that an offer to buy?
Join a country band.
You can find them in yard sales and used in small music stores for cheap quite often very good ones. Don't spend a fortune but it does pay to get a decent one. Shame that store closed is a guy around here that builds nice custom ones for really good prices.
No one should be talking you out of this. Lap steel is the shit.
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