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Full Version: Don't ya just hate it...
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When you dig through every freakin' thing you have to get all the pieces together to do a job?

I must have spent 2 hours this afternoon gathering the fret jig I bought from Xsessive a few years back.  I think I got it all.

I'm intending to use it for my 4th of july project.
So much. So very much.
usually i store all the components of a multi-component system together so that once I've located the thing, I've located all the things that make up the thing.
That takes effort. Pfft! huge grin
When everything has its place and you always put them back in place, you spend more time being productive instead of searching.
Let me ask Murphy about that. ;)
Murphy cannot conquer my organizational skills.
Murphy is a pretty smart feller.
Fuck i hate the search. Recently i spent at least an hour searching for a lost humbucker plate. I bet it shows up once the new ones arrive.
A place for everything, and everything in its place.

Unless toddlers are around. Even Murphy can't compete with a toddler.
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