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Full Version: NPDx4 + pedalboard finished
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Just acquired TC's new viscous vibe which is a perfect digital recreation of the original shin-ei univibe. Also traded away my bonamassa fuzz for an EQD tone reaper, and got in the flashback and HOF mini today. And had to change the knobs just cuz.

Woohoo! Can't wait to rock this at band practice.

[Image: d141dea05a8b6a8b5ddd95ce4b27c545.jpg]
Very nice.
Fucking amazing man. That's such a clean board.

How are you liking the Tone Reaper?
(06-25-2015, 02:45 PM)Agileguy Wrote: [ -> ]Fucking amazing man. That's such a clean board.

How are you liking the Tone Reaper?

I'm sure he loves it.

The thing is a monster.
(06-25-2015, 02:45 PM)Agileguy Wrote: [ -> ]Fucking amazing man. That's such a clean board.

How are you liking the Tone Reaper?

it's great so far!

really middy and articulate.... as far as fuzzes go anyway. The FF and OCD in fuzz mode were having a real hard time staying articulate when I kicked in the SL drive as well, but this one shines through nice and clear.

I think I still might build a fulltone 70... kinda undecided though. I wanna see how the reaper fares at jam.
That is a clean board man, nice work! I've always been curious about the east river drive. How is it?
thanks bro! I like the east river drive better than the TS9.

it's a bit fuller sounding, but still has that unmistakeable Tube Screamer mid hump.
Plus it's cheaper
that too. and it looks cooler.

and if you get in touch with electro harmonix support, you'll probably get a response!