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Full Version: So "The Hateful 8" incident..
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Man that's an oops.

I hear insurance paid out for the purchase price.  I guess there's a possibility the movie proceeds will cover the rest.  -Maybe-

CF Martin got a lot of free press out of it - that's worth something.  I know its a niche industry, but still its free press.
That is just awful .
Agreed - Accident or not.

Hell, the movie got some free press.  

Seems the remains would be of value to someone willing to pay a high price...  :wwe:

[Image: 2016-02-04T144024Z_01_WAS707_RTRIDSP_3_U...jpg&w=1484]
I believe that the guitar that was destroyed in the movie was an actual 1800s Martin.

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(02-05-2016, 07:52 PM)Agileguy Wrote: [ -> ]I believe that the guitar that was destroyed in the movie was an actual 1800s Martin.

Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

It was and I shed no tears for Martin.  They had repos on set and the original got smashed accidentally. Why the fuck would they allow a 1870 Martin in the snowy mountains of Colorado in the first place? Once the Repos were made the 1870 should have gone back to the Martin Museum. 
Hindsight is 20/20.

We'll never know the whole story, like terms of the loan.  I assume it would be stipulated reasonable care (like humidification) would be agreed upon.
The only redeeming part of this story is Snake Plissken is the one that destroyed the guitar.