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2 Guitar Cases Project 03-20-2017, 10:04 AM 4
Thread Subject Forum Name
2 Guitar Cases Project The Zoo Zones
Guitar Gear - Amps, Axes and Effects
Post Message
My project this weekend, amber tinting/finishing two guitar cases of mine. Main reason, I bought an old 90s Fender Blues Deluxe (original, not a reissue) that had a really nice amber tweed finish.

Fender G&G Tweed - Really bright yellow tweed, much brighter than the tweed on the Blues Deluxe. 


Alvarez Acoustic Case - Just a plain cloth exterior, think the amber finish was a big improvement. 


I was happy with the results, hardest part was trying to hit the small amount of tweed visible on the inside. I was not going for a relic look...the cases were newer but used, so any scraped and bumps were magnified with the amber finish. 

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