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NLCS Preview - Printable Version

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NLCS Preview - Gator - 10-20-2009

Very nice. You picked a great game to be at.

NLCS Preview - Hooch - 10-20-2009

Gator Wrote:Very nice. You picked a great game to be at.

Luck of the draw really. When you come up in the lottery they say "You have the opportunity to purchase tickets to home game #2 of the NLCS". You don't get to pick the game. Its the game you get offered or nothing.

Same luck as last year getting game 5 of the WS.

NLCS Preview - 3dR3 - 10-20-2009

Hooch Wrote:Awesome ending last night.

I was sitting by the left field ballgirl... pretty close to Manny. The crowd was relentless with him all night long when he was out in the field. The best was during one of the inning breaks they played a PSA on the big screen about kids and steroids. It wasn't two seconds into the commercial that the chants started.... MAN-NY, MAN-NY, MAN-NY.

I can't believe I fell asleep at 8:30 last night.

Good thing I kept myself home..... :rolleyes:

NLCS Preview - Gator - 10-20-2009

Hooch Wrote:Luck of the draw really. When you come up in the lottery they say "You have the opportunity to purchase tickets to home game #2 of the NLCS". You don't get to pick the game. Its the game you get offered or nothing.

Same luck as last year getting game 5 of the WS.

How do you get in the lottery? Do you have to be a season ticket holder or at least have a plan package?

NLCS Preview - Hooch - 10-22-2009


NLCS Preview - Hooch - 10-22-2009

Gator Wrote:How do you get in the lottery? Do you have to be a season ticket holder or at least have a plan package?

Nope, just enter your name and email on You are then in the lottery for all 3 rounds of the playoffs should the team get there. Then they pick at random each time.

I already got my rejection email for the WS.