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anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Printable Version

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anyone else seen the new walking dead? - (ad) - 10-13-2014

that shit gave me nightmares!

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Agileguy - 10-13-2014

Dude, last night was so badass. Easily one of the best episodes of the series. Carol has finally earned her place.

"I'm going to kill people."


RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Dr. Vegetable - 10-15-2014

I was actually kinda surprised they didn't drag out Terminus for a full season.

"You're a man without a boat in the middle of the ocean who has saved an anchor."

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - youngthrasher9 - 10-15-2014

I haven't seen it yet...

Fuckin' DVR didn't record it.

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - youngthrasher9 - 10-19-2014


Such a legit episode.

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Dr. Vegetable - 10-20-2014

[Image: c1cb8ef5832453a7d0f4f017eac602ee.jpg]

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Agileguy - 10-20-2014

That bobbq tho

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - Big Flannel - 10-20-2014

As soon as I saw the preacher I knew that shot would happen.

I love the show, but I miss when it was basically a reimagining of the comics instead of just putting different people on the same situations. The way they carried out Shane's story arch was awesome and he's a character that doesn't live long at all in the books.

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - youngthrasher9 - 11-05-2014

I just about finished Four Walls and a Roof.

(Episode 3 current season)

Is there a limit to the brutality of this show? I mean seriously.

I thought the jugular bite kill scene was brutal, these episodes are making that look like a teddy bear Christmas.

RE: anyone else seen the new walking dead? - meseek - 01-30-2015

I have not seen it yet.