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New Wah - Agileguy - 06-22-2015


[Image: 987e8462cac017a1ac936eab43707dac.jpg]

I finally got the wah circuit for my last crybaby refinish. This is based on the Musonic/Colorsound platform, so it should sound very different than a crybaby. Hopefully I'll get to use it tomorrow, I just need to pick up some washers so I can attach the jack sockets.

Oh yeah and isn't that tread cool looking?

RE: New Wah - Snake Aces - 06-22-2015

Is that purple? That shit is badass man!

RE: New Wah - CTN - 06-22-2015

That is so cool

RE: New Wah - Agileguy - 06-22-2015

Nah, that's blue. This one is purple:

[Image: IMAG0037_zpsmzgxy7ad.jpg]

RE: New Wah - Snake Aces - 06-22-2015

Well shit, I like blue even more! I need to adjust my settings on this monitor though.

RE: New Wah - Snake Aces - 06-22-2015

There we go, that is a nice blue dude! I want a blue wah now.

RE: New Wah - Agileguy - 06-22-2015

Thanks dude, I actually like the blue one better too. As far as the tone goes though, it's hard to beat the purple one - it's an amazing sounding Thomas Organ Crybaby from the 70's. It even has the stack of dimes inductor instead of the TDK. I've honestly never heard a more perfect sounding crybaby in my life. I modded it for (clickless) true bypass but other than that it's stock.

The blue one should sound amazing though. I'm going to be able to try it out today, I just need some washers for the input and output jacks.

But my favorite (and best looking) wah is the colorsound reissue enclosure that I got a few weeks ago. I tried to do the top in chrome, like a vox wah, but it's terrible so I got some mystic maroon for it. It should look tits.

[Image: IMAG0102_zpslwum6iqo.jpg]

RE: New Wah - Snake Aces - 06-22-2015

Nice man, nice landscaping too. Did you install that? I ask cuz I did some landscaping designing & installing in Minnesota back in the mid-2000's. It's tough work but rewarding.

Anyway, back to wah. My favorite wah I've had so far is a Snarling Dogs Blues Bawls. It was a nice blue color too but the tone was pretty awesome. Sadly the pedal just couldn't stay up so I sold it before moving here. Other than that I have only ever used crybaby wahs. I'm pretty happy with my Crybaby Classic. It has true bypass and a nice tone. I'm afraid to venture out and try more wahs though because that territory can get super expensive rather quickly.

RE: New Wah - Agileguy - 06-22-2015

Haha, I wish I did that landscaping. It was put in when I was like 10-12 years old. I'm actually looking into buying a house in Oregon in some state of disrepair (how much, I'm not yet sure, but I want to be able to get the most house and neighborhood for my money and I'm pretty handy) so I may be doing some landscaping in the not too distant future.

I've had a few different Crybabies over the years - a classic, a 535 (non-q), the CAE wah (I believe it's a crybaby type) and none of them measure up to the TO wah. Even my beloved Fulltone Clyde Deluxe was beaten by it, and is now gone. I used to have an RMC Wheels of Fire (Based on the colorsound wah I believe) that I lent to a friend ~18 months ago that I should be getting back this week. I'm stoked to have that one back.

Yeah, I love wah pedals. Even though I don't use them all the time because they're very easy to abuse, I just love having a few different wahs so I can have the right wah tone for any given mood.

I'm really stoked to get the colorsound up and running again, it's actually the inductorless variant so I'm interested to see how it will sound.

RE: New Wah - kinnikuman - 06-22-2015
