09-24-2008, 06:06 AM
The Pressure?s Already On As Big Division Matchups, Old Rivalries Highlight Week 4 Action
But all those teams on the downside of the won-loss ledger should remind themselves of the 2007 San Diego Chargers, who began last season at 1-3, won their final six and took an 11-5 record into the playoffs, advancing all the way to the AFC Championship Game. ?It doesn?t matter whether you?re the favorite now or the least favorite,? says quarterback TONY ROMO of the 3-0 Dallas Cowboys. ?The reality of it is you?ve got to keep playing games. You?re not trying to be the favorite now, you?re trying to be the favorite at the end of the year.? You?re right on that, Tony. And as far as ?playing games,? you?ve got a big one this week -- a divisional game, one of seven on the Week 4 schedule that are intermixed with ?rivalry? games packed with history.