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Douchebag of the Week
From the Massachusetts Political Front.

Independent U.S. Senate candidate Joseph L. Kennedy predicted he’ll be the kingmaker in a close race tomorrow, saying he’ll likely throw the election to upstart Republican state Sen. Scott Brown.

“He wouldn’t have a win without me,” said Kennedy, a Libertarian running as an unenrolled candidate, adding he expects to draw voters from Democrat Martha Coakley.

A Suffolk University/7News poll last week gave Brown a 4 percent lead over Coakley, with 3 percent going to Kennedy.
Dont get me wrong I am not picking a candidate here but if your only reason for running is to drain votes from another candidate you are a douchebag. Right Mr Nader and Perot.
ooooh I like this thread..
A 13-year-old girl has been sentenced to 90 lashes and two months' prison in Saudi Arabia after she took a mobile phone to school.

A court ordered the girl to be flogged in front of her classmates following an assault on the school principal, according to the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Watan.

After the assault she was discovered to have concealed a mobile phone, breaking strict Saudi regulations banning the use of camera-equipped phones in girls' schools

King Abdullah has promoted some social reforms since taking the throne in 2005 but diplomats say he is held back by religious clerics and princes.

Cinemas and music concerts are banned, while many restaurants and even some shopping centres cater to families only, especially on holidays.

Religious police roam streets to make sure no unrelated men and women mix.

The Saudi court system is exclusively controlled Wahahbi/Salafi clerics, and bans the employment of non-Salafi citizens, especially as judges.

[Image: article-1244689-0032DB7A00000258-34_468x312.jpg]

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uh..... it's 2010
Just to get this straight, assaulting the principal was ok, but bringing a cell phone to school gets 90 lashes? Um, alrighty then.
There's no crying in baseball
Guns N' Roses fans were forced to take sides in the legendary war between Axl Rose and Slash -- after security at a recent GNR show banned fans from wearing Slash gear inside the show.

It all went down at the GNR show in Canada last Wednesday -- concert security informed fans that they were required to turn their Slash t-]shirts inside out .... and leave their top hats outside.

TMZ spoke with a member of the concert security team who confirmed the marching orders -- and told us the instructions were passed down from a producer for the band.

We're told a few fans took the high road and went home ... but most just sucked it up and did what they were told.

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FUCK AXLE !:mad: what a douch bag Although Slash was kind of "douchey" himself @ the Grammys...playing with Jamie Foxx?? C'mon MAN!!
Courtney has tweeted about her powerful vagina and bedded plenty of rock stars and now she reveals how she got so good at sex.

"I'm better because I was never pretty," she told Toure on Fuse's 'On the Record.' "Pretty girls just lie there. Us girls who grew up a little more homely have to try a lot harder.

That's why pretty girls never threaten me, it's like, yeah, you want to take me on? Take me on. Go for it."
BATAVIA, N.Y. (WIVB) - Police say a 41-year-old woman was caught having sex on a picnic table in Farrell Park in Batavia, and now she's been charged with adultery.

Police say the Batavia woman and the 29-year-old Oakfield man were engaged in sexual intercourse in full view of adults and children utilizing the park. Both are charged with public lewdness, but the woman faces the additional charge of adultery. According to The Batavian, police say the 29-year-old does not face adultery charges because he was not aware the woman was married.

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