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Game of Thrones
Has anyone gotten into Game of Thrones on HBO? People keep telling me it is right up my alley and I should check it out. I've only been able to see the first episode On Demand so far.
You know I'm watching it. I'm a friggin TV junkie. I haven't met a series I don't like, practically. And this one is no exception. I haven't read the books yet. But I plan to. I have read in various forums that the series holds very closely to the first book. I've only watched the first 3 episodes so far. Outside of my usual fare, but very enjoyable. It has sex, treachory, at least one fight for a crown, a little violence, and a decent storyline, with subplots. What else could you want.
There's no crying in baseball
I have it on deck now based on Gator's recommendation. Scary but we seem to like the same types of entertainment. If he likes it there is a 95% chance I will. Gator have you been watching East Bound and Down speaking of series?
Fuck, I'm all caught up now. This show is like 59.5 minutes of rising action then a 30 second punch in the face.
Securb Wrote:I have it on deck now based on Gator's recommendation. Scary but we seem to like the same types of entertainment. If he likes it there is a 95% chance I will. Gator have you been watching East Bound and Down speaking of series?

No, it's on my Watch Soon list
There's no crying in baseball
I dont have to watch the latest episode because some douche posted the spoiler on the front page of the site.
Knowing "A Song of Ice and Fire" ( the George RR Martin series of which "Game of Thrones" is the first book ) I'm surprised that HBO would take on such a series ..... the Ned Stark character will be far from the last main character to bite the dust... over the course of the books there is a hardly a last man standing, new characters coming in from the wings to replace the original cast of characters that end up dieing vile and grisly deaths.

As far as Sean Bean being the face of the series as Ned Stark, I feel that HBO used him to create interest in a show with a cast of the UK's "B" listers with the hope of getting a core audience... My thought is, how many people will watch a show from season to season where the main character dies at the end of each season.... Soon enough Games of Thrones will be like trying to watch a series best described as the "Reservoir Dogs" meets "Willow"

Personally, I don't see this HBO original surviving Season 2 ..... The pending deaths of the main cast will create more characters in the graveyard than will be on the stage....
Securb Wrote:I dont have to watch the latest episode because some douche posted the spoiler on the front page of the site.

get over it. I guess you don't want to know that Drogo dies in the last episode of the season either.
Is everyone caught up yet?
Not yet

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