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Too cool for carve.
(02-19-2015, 06:27 PM)Oinkus Wrote: I prefer a 17" radius but good luck finding one , the board I have in the garage that has frets started in it is 12 to 16 but it doesn't really fit the neck now.

Stop hammering your balls on an anvil and just get it done.
Ok i know you lads are tired of my posts haha. I have been doing another mock up and trying to work out what would be the best way to carve out all the rocks. Mostly what style would look best.

My idea - Carve out the cracks and rounded rock like shapes then attach materiel/texture to each individual area, Seal then paint the cracks black and do some blending,

[Image: shinois2.jpg]

Or i could do something like this which would be easier '' i think'',
[Image: esp_shinigami_5.jpg]
I would however add some visual texture to the tops of the flat rocks,

I appreciate any feedback, Planning is key here.
I think it could be a good idea. Are you thinking of a more weathered, eroded look - or something like the rocks are being smashed?
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
(02-20-2015, 05:31 PM)Big Flannel Wrote: I think it could be a good idea. Are you thinking of a more weathered, eroded look - or something like the rocks are being smashed?

smashed rocks.
Why not just glue some rocks onto it ?:poop:
Then you could be a real rock star.
(02-20-2015, 07:55 PM)GoldenVulture Wrote: Why not just glue some rocks onto it ?:poop:
Then you could be a real rock star.

I like it!

Cut out the body and glue bits of broken (or cut-to-shape) brick into the gap.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
Its pointless asking you monkeys anything.
No, dude. Picture it. That would look freaking cool
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
(02-20-2015, 08:35 PM)Big Flannel Wrote: No, dude. Picture it. That would look freaking cool

it would weigh more than acemans new girlfriend too.

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